If you have gone through each of the different Steps available to you in the “NSW DUI Court Bible” then you will put yourself in the right position to understand the processes required of your in relation to going through the Court system.

You will also be in a far better position in understanding the relevant issues surrounding the drink driving offence you have been charged with.

But most importantly you will have been shown a number of theoretical steps and practical steps in preparing a well organised case to present to the Court.

As we have previously mentioned each and every drink driving matter will be different and need to be assessed on its own issues, however having now gone through the ” NSW DUI Court Bible” you will be in a far better position to go about presenting the relevant issues to the Court in order to seek a better result – this usually means a lower disqualification period and a reduce monetary fine.

Licence Disqualification:

If the Court orders that your licence is to be disqualified for a certain period of time then you need to be aware that you MUST NOT drive a vehicle during this time. If you are caught driving on a disqualified licence then the Courts will take an extremely dim view of your actions and attitude. Consequently, an offence of disqualified driving carries very serious penalties of further disqualification and other more serious penalties.


Licence Re-Issue:

When the time comes to get your licence back you must ensure that you go into the RTA and be re-issued with a brand new licence. Many people think that their licence will be automatically re-activated at the completion of the disqualification period, however this is wrong. If you begin to drive after the disqualification period has finished but you fail to be properly re-issued with a new drivers licence then you run the risk of being charged of unlicensed driving which again carries further period of disqualification.


Monetary Fine:

Often the Court will issue you with a monetary fine plus further fees involving Court Costs and Levies.

If you believe that you will find it very hard to financial satisfy the fine issued by the Court then once you obtain the Court paperwork providing details of such a fine you can then contact the State Debt Recovery Organisation (‘SDRO’), explain your situation to them and request to set up an installment plan whereby you can enter into an agreement to pay off the fine by way of weekly, fortnightly or monthly installments until the full amount has been satisfied.

Goodluck in preparing & presenting your case in Court.

Please remember if you believe that the entire situation is getting far to hard or stressful for you to deal with then you should immediately seek help – by either contacting the Court (seeking help) or a quality Traffic Lawyer in NSW.


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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The information provided in the “NSW DUI Court Bible” is NOT legal advice and we do not hold ourselves out to be offering legal advice. We have no claim that this information should be taken as legal advice in replacement of seeking out the services of a legal practitioner.